5303 Madison Avenue
Bethel Park, PA 15102



Christian Education

The Christian Education team meets every month during the Sunday School year (August through May). This committee reviews activities occurring in Sunday School, Confirmation, and Adult education, as well as the Youth and Family program. Many events are geared toward supporting local, national, and international mission needs and opportunities. Christian Education directs and assists all education opportunities, as well as the Bethany Computer Lab, Church Library, New Member classes, and Vacation Bible School. Do you have a heart for teaching the Christian faith? Join us!


The Committee for Worship & Music works with the Pastor to provide assistance in planning worship services at Bethany. We work to create a meaningful worship space that is faithful to the best of our tradition in language and expression that fits our time and culture, reaching out to the spiritual needs of those who worship here. Some examples of the work we do includes:

  • Coordinate worship assistants for the service
  • Arrange for weekly greeters for each service
  • Work Altar Guild to prepare altar for worship, weddings, funerals, etc.
  • Work with Music Director and Pastor to select musical offerings for each service


Members at Bethany Lutheran Church are each marked with a heart to seek opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ both within our congregation and out in our community. We are each committed to sharing God’s Good News both in the words we speak and by our actions. The Fellowship and Evangelism Committee strives to develop an environment among the members and friends of Bethany Lutheran Church that supports, encourages, and organizes opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Some examples of the work we do includes:

  • Create Visitor Welcome Packets to greet those who visit us
  • Consult with Youth and Family Director in planning events
  • Assist Pastor in developing evangelism opportunities in our community
  • Consult with Mission Planning group to develop mission opportunities, domestic and abroad.


The Committee on Stewardship is responsible for the business and legal transactions of the church.. Their responsibilities include all matters pertaining to employment, supervision and annual evaluation of the salaried lay workers of the church. This committee also oversees insurance coverage and claims, legal transactions, investments, use of property; applications for use of, recommendation of fee for profit-making groups, securing signed agreements and Certificate of Insurance, ensuring harmony with the purpose of the congregation, and preparation of the Annual Budget. This committee especially invites those with expertise and interest in these fields.


The Committee on Property is responsible for the care of the church building and property. They make recommendations to Congregational Council and organize both teams and events to care for property needs.

our goal:


Worship God | Serve Others | Follow Jesus